Outdoor Truths Ministries

Aiming outdoorsmen toward Christ!

What’s In Front

One of my least favorite things to see when bow hunting is a bunch of doe that comes in within fifty yards of my stand. I know that eventually I’m going to get busted. If I’m looking to take a doe, I might get a shot off. But no matter what, if they stay there long...

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An Unwanted Victory

 One of the benefits of hunting is getting to see so many different animals and other things that one just doesn’t get to see otherwise. I have renamed one of my trail cameras, the zoo camera, because it always has pictures of so many different kinds of animals....

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One of the things I know about hunting is that if your mind is home, you might as well go home. There have been many, many times over the years when I knew that going to sit in a tree stand was not the best idea. Either I had stuff I needed to do, or my wife wasn’t...

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2024 Raffle Drawing


2024 Outdoor Truths Raffle Winners 

$500.00 Bass Pro card – Steve Castle

$400.00 Dicks Sporting card – Don Parsons

$300.00 Bass Pro card – Steve Castle

$200.00 Dicks Sporting card – Jimmy Ray

$100.00 Bass Pro card – Jimmy Ray



Gear, Resources and Books

Online Donations

Reaching Outdoors-men for Christ with your support


“We were searching for someone who would be more than a speaker.  We wanted someone who would connect with our event and effectively present the Gospel.  We found that in Gary Miller.  The first year with Gary, out attendance grew to 600 and over 20 people committed their life to Christ.  The next year, attendance reached 800 and 56 decisions were made!  God has uniquely gifted Gary for this ministry and his personality, heart for Christ, and genuine interest in outdoorsmen provide the necessary tools. Gary not only became our speaker, he became our friend as well and I would strongly recommend Gary and his books to all those who are interested in reaching people for Christ.”

Mark McArthur

Pastor, Goss Baptist Church

“Gary Miller recently spoke at our first annual “Wild Game Dinner” event which was a great success. Gary assisted our staff and lay people in coordinating this event and we sincerely appreciate his servant’s heart. Our attendance exceeded three hundred and the highlight of the evening was when ten men gave their lives to Jesus Christ! No one could have related better to these outdoorsmen than Gary Miller. I recommend him without reservation. I trust you will use him soon and often.”

Phil Hoskins ThD

Senior Pastor, Higher Ground Baptist Church

“The success of our event was largely due to the planning strategies presented to us by Gary Miller. Gary met with our planning team on several occasions and shared with us many great ideas that made this event run smoothly from the time the people entered the parking lot to the final drawing of the ATV! Our greatest success of the whole event was that there were 26 decisions for Christ!! With Gary’s leadership and wealth of information and expertise, we feel the Turkeyfest went over the top!”

Pastor Shawn Baker

Faith Temple Church

Don’t Wait Any Longer. Start the Straight Path Today!

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