Outdoor Truths Ministries

Aiming outdoorsmen toward Christ!

What’s the Question?

I can remember my first solo deer hunting trip. I sat in a maple tree that was only about 50 yards from an oak tree that was flooded with acorns. The path to that oak made its way right under my tree stand. I remember sitting there in an old Baker climbing stand that...

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Speaking of Celebration

I love the warmer days of winter. It gives me a chance to walk my hunting areas. Because the leaves are off the trees and because there is no concern about spooking deer, I can gather all kinds of information from the last season. It is a great time to assess the good...

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Making it Easy

Deer season has been over for a few weeks now, and turkey season is right around the corner. I like how each of these are so different than the other. If hunting turkeys involved as much as hunting deer, I would have to give up one. In days past, they were. Let me...

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This first Circle Event of 2025 is now open.

It’s our annual hog hunt. This year we are having the event at the 663 Trophy Boar Ranch in Groesbeck, Texas. (click the pic to find out about them) Andy is the owner and is a friend of mine, and has not only giving us a deal, but will make sure each of us have a hog in our sites.

Not only will we have Andy to help, but John Davis will once again be our host. John is the Vice President of Outdoor Truths and a dang good cook and host. If you have been to any event that he hosts, you know what I’m talking about. The food and fellowship around his table is top shelf stuff.

As you know, we only take 12 guys. It’s our model. So, mark the date and jump in with your deposit. Here are the details.

The cost is only $350.00 and includes food, lodging, opportunity for ONE hog (more opportunities can be purchased)and a ticket for the possibility to win a $500.00 Bass Pro Gift Card. We will check in the evening of the 6th of March and check out Sunday morning on the 9th. Of course there will be plenty cornhole and I’ll be giving an Outdoor Truths lesson on Friday and Saturday. Check out the pics below.

Committed! Secure your spot, click here!


If you want to learn more info about Circle Events, go HERE.


Circle Attendees

  1. John Davis (Host)
  2. Gary Miller
  3. Mark Shaw
  4. Jeremiah Judd
  5. David Peterson
  6. Joe Basham
  7. Geoff Lawrence
  8. Chase Cundiff
  9. Jimmy Ray
  10. Jesse Spangenburg
  11. Ryan Jaquess
  12. Chris Granados

Information pre-Circle Event CLICK HERE



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Reaching Outdoors-men for Christ with your support


“We were searching for someone who would be more than a speaker.  We wanted someone who would connect with our event and effectively present the Gospel.  We found that in Gary Miller.  The first year with Gary, out attendance grew to 600 and over 20 people committed their life to Christ.  The next year, attendance reached 800 and 56 decisions were made!  God has uniquely gifted Gary for this ministry and his personality, heart for Christ, and genuine interest in outdoorsmen provide the necessary tools. Gary not only became our speaker, he became our friend as well and I would strongly recommend Gary and his books to all those who are interested in reaching people for Christ.”

Mark McArthur

Pastor, Goss Baptist Church

“Gary Miller recently spoke at our first annual “Wild Game Dinner” event which was a great success. Gary assisted our staff and lay people in coordinating this event and we sincerely appreciate his servant’s heart. Our attendance exceeded three hundred and the highlight of the evening was when ten men gave their lives to Jesus Christ! No one could have related better to these outdoorsmen than Gary Miller. I recommend him without reservation. I trust you will use him soon and often.”

Phil Hoskins ThD

Senior Pastor, Higher Ground Baptist Church

“The success of our event was largely due to the planning strategies presented to us by Gary Miller. Gary met with our planning team on several occasions and shared with us many great ideas that made this event run smoothly from the time the people entered the parking lot to the final drawing of the ATV! Our greatest success of the whole event was that there were 26 decisions for Christ!! With Gary’s leadership and wealth of information and expertise, we feel the Turkeyfest went over the top!”

Pastor Shawn Baker

Faith Temple Church

Don’t Wait Any Longer. Start the Straight Path Today!

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