Timing is everything. Have you ever felt like you were out of sync with what was going on in the woods or on the water? Sometimes it seems that on the days you can go fishing, the weather is terrible or the fish are uncooperative. And on the days you can’t go or just decide not to go, those are the days limits are caught in the first hour. It’s the same with hunting. It seems sometimes, on the days I go deer hunting the deer are not stirring. But let me stay home one morning and they’re everywhere. Timing is everything, and most of the time, we are usually “a day late and a dollar short.” I can only remember a few moments in my life I actually hit it on the right day; like the day I caught more fish than I could count in a twenty-minute span or the few times when the bucks were coming by so frequently you were afraid to reach in your backpack for a cracker. Those were the days it all came together; that you were there at the right place and at the right time. That’s the goal during each hunting season; it’s to be in the woods during the best days and even during the best time of each day. That’s why we look at moon phases and other weather patterns; to give ourselves the best opportunity for success. Sometimes the days or the times seem odd. From a novice’s perspective it may look as if we have picked the most inopportune time to do what we do. We know, however, that we are there because we believe just the opposite.

At Christmas we celebrate another special moment in time; a time that seemed strange to many who were there. It was strange for the Savior of the world to be born in a manger, at an insignificant place and to seemingly insignificant people. But it all happened in the perfect will and timing of God. The scriptures put it this way; “But when the fullness of the time had come, God sent forth His Son, born of a woman.” It was a day God lined up the birth of His Son with the need of His people. The timing was perfect. It was so perfect we are still talking about that event today. It was so perfect lives are still changed by that event today. And it was so perfect it will never happen again. And that’s why we celebrate Christmas.

Gary Miller

Gary Miller has written Outdoor Truths articles for 21 years.  He has also written five books which include compilations of his articles and a father/son devotional. He also speaks at wild-game dinners and men’s events for churches and associations. Stay updated on Outdoor Truths each week by subscribing at Outdoortruths.org

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