I can remember in years past, starting to do extensive scouting to find where deer might be during the opening season. I focused on paths and funnels and signs. As I got older and wiser about hunting, I realized it’s not as important to know their journey, as it is their destination. And that destination, except for the rut, will always focus on needs. Food, water, and shelter (safety). When it comes to food, deer are like us. They like a variety that comes from different seasons. For instance, I’m enjoying watermelon right now, knowing it won’t be long until I’ll not be able to get another one. This variety works for everything except bacon. Bacon is always in season and is always a destination. But I digress. When it comes to variety for deer right now, they are anticipating the acorns that are getting ready to fall. Around the same time, fruit trees will drop their treasure, and every deer within miles will line up waiting for the next thud of an apple or pear. So, instead of trying to cut them off at the pass, I choose to just wait at the place I know they’re coming to. I use to teach this same idea in basketball. I would tell young players who were on defense, that instead of chasing the opposing player who has the ball, all over the court, just wait on him at the goal. After all, that’s where he’s headed. This concept saved them from fainting from exhaustion, many times. And when it comes to deer hunting, this same concept has saved me from hours of wonder, worry, and work. And that gives me more time to rest with confidence, because I trust the outcome.
Have you ever realized there are some things in our Christian life where we know the destination? I mean there are some things in our life where we don’t have to wonder, worry, and work so hard toward. These are destinations that are already determined and all we have to do is wait and watch. For instance, when it comes to our provision, God has promised He will meet all our needs according to His riches in Heaven. That means I don’t have to wonder, worry, or work as if everything is up to me. I just need to realize I’m already under His oak tree. And what about all of those times we’ve made some really bad decisions, or when we have sinned deeply? Well, He’s got that covered too, because He has promised He will take all the seemingly unassociated pieces of our life and make a beautiful quilt. The destination is set. So, are you fretting over the path, or unsure about the signs? Forget about that. Just put your stand where God is already coming, and just rest with confidence, and trust that God has a good outcome heading your way.
Gary Miller
Gary Miller has written Outdoor Truths articles for over 21 years.
He has also written five books which include compilations of his
articles and a father/son devotional. He also speaks at wild-game
dinners and men’s events for churches and associations.