This time of year, deer are craving salt and other minerals. The bucks need this during the time when their antlers are growing. And they will literally eat the dirt if it contains traces of these raw elements. I have also seen huge holes dug deep in the ground where the deer have pawed and scratched day after day to reach any remnants that may be left. But it all happens within a small window of time. In fact, while they may dig for one small morsel in the late spring and summer, they won’t even smell a salt block in the late fall and winter seasons. It’s pretty remarkable how complete the reversal really is, and it’s one reason why in many states putting out salt for deer during the season is not illegal. It really doesn’t do any good unless your season opens in August or early September. Kentucky is one of those seasons that do, so it is not unusual to see this scenario lived out as you sit in a tree stand. One time I remember watching a doe so intent to get a taste, she literally ignored anything or anybody that was near. Her head was so far down in a hole, I could have walked up to her and she would have never known it. But again, this window of time is short-lived. What occurs to me when I am reminded of this is how this short timeframe is not due to the lack of the mineral’s availability but to the deer’s lack of desire. The craving simply goes away. The desire that was once singularly focused has now been satisfied – at least for a time.

           Desire is a strong emotion. It can get us in trouble or it can become the reason for our success. It can make us dependent and even addicted or it can keep us motivated toward great accomplishments. And just like my deer is toward salt, desire can be satisfied. Now one might say that just as the deer is drawn to the mineral by his created design, we are drawn to our desires the same way. That is partially true because our body craves certain minerals at times as well. But those who believe in the Scriptures, believe God designed man with more than a personality (because animals have these), but with the very essence of God Himself. He made us in His image. This means while our bodies may desire things to fulfill our created design, our spirit desires the things that fit into our Godly one. And what is amazing about these desires is while our physical body will one day die because of the lack of certain things; our spiritual one will never die. It will just be moved to another place and to another body – one that will be perfect for the person God has made each of us to be. 

Gary Miller      

Gary Miller has written Outdoor Truths articles for 20 years. He has also written five books which include compilations of his articles and a father/son devotional. He also speaks at wild-game dinners and men’s events for churches and associations.