
Have you ever wondered about wonder? I mean have you ever thought why you attribute beauty or awe to certain things? Have you ever been amazed how a large tree can grow from the tiniest crack in a massive rock? Have you ever been rapt by a sunset, a blanket of fog, or...


One of the keys in hunting is learning how animals communicate. And as you know, they are always communicating. Just step outside during the early morning hours, and you’ll hear creature after creature communicating. It is so natural that we hardly ever think about...

The Farm

I was in my early thirties when I had my first lesson about cattle and farming. I don’t remember how I was introduced to Daryl and I don’t remember why I was on initially on his farm, but there I was, watching a cow in a headgate try to give birth to a calf that was...

Getting Close

I was pressing to get on these two gobblers. I knew since it was the middle of the season and the first thing in the morning, that after they flew off the roost the gobbling would end. So I chose to gamble a little and get in their bedroom. Since it was already...

Dry Ridged

One of my comedy excuses I’m known for when I come up empty-handed from a hunting or a fishing trip, is that my friend, partner, guide, etc. “dry-ridged” me. I forgot where I first heard that term, but I use it quite often to blame other people for my lack of success....


I’ve always heard that writing is more about perspiration than inspiration. It’s true. Even though it is very fulfilling to write about the outdoors, it is also difficult at times to continue to find worthy subjects and stories. Sometimes my mind soars with...