Moving Meals

I see the transitioning happening now. It’s harvest time. I see apples, pears, persimmons, and acorns. All these, and more, are favorites of deer. During the spring, deer feed on all sorts of browse. Nearly every step along their way is filled with a different tasty...

Planting Season

This time of year, I begin earnestly getting ready for the upcoming deer season. It’s the hottest time of the year, but one has no choice if he is to be ready for the end of September. Checking, moving, and setting tree stands will always be a necessary evil, but the...

Just Thinking

It’s July and I feel a sense of pressure. I’m thinking of food plots and practice shots. I’m thinking we are two weeks from August and August is thirty days from opening bow season in Kentucky. I’m thinking I’m not ready for this. I’m thinking no one cares if I’m...

Causing Courage

I Just came back from a river-fishing trip with a friend. It was a beautiful morning to be on the water. This time of year, the early morning is usually the best because the heat really picks up about mid-morning. This day was no different. By 10:30, our hopes were...

The Waiting

One of the activities I have enjoyed for about twenty years is running. But after the first decade, my knee put me on the shelf. During that time, I learned to enjoy road biking. And I still do. But my love has always been to run. There are a lot of reasons, but the...


      I have hunted big game most of my adult life. I have written about my experiences over 20 years. Those experiences are not spectacular. Most of them have come in random places at random times, and without the resources to make them...