The Unchangeable God

              It seems on opening day, all the sights, sounds, touches, and smells are at their highest peak. After being gone from the woods for several months, I am more aware of these things on the...

Follow the Tacks

I can remember the first time I was exposed to those reflective tree tacks. I was hunting in Ohio and my first hunt was the next morning. Since we didn’t have time that evening to view my hunting location, I was simply told to follow the reflective tacks. I was taken...


It’s only August but I’m getting a little nervous about the upcoming deer season. I still have a few hours of field preparation I need to do before I can begin getting my gear situated. One tree stand needs to be moved and another one needs rehung. And of course, that...


This time of year, deer are craving salt and other minerals. The bucks need this during the time when their antlers are growing. And they will literally eat the dirt if it contains traces of these raw elements. I have also seen huge holes dug deep in the ground where...

Just Try It

As a young adult, I worked for a mining company. My job allowed me to stay in the mountains all day. We only saw the boss on Mondays and Fridays. I prospected for coal by core drilling. It was a great job. It was there I learned about trees and how to find ginseng and...

Be Ready

One of the aspects I dislike about hunting and fishing is getting ready for the first day. Whether it’s the first turkey hunt of the year or the first deer hunt, there’s always the need to make sure nothing is forgotten on that opening day. One of my on-going...