Outdoor Truths Ministries

He’s not Hurting
He’s not Homeless
He’s not Hungry

He’s Just Lost…

And there is only a 6% chance that he will come to Christ. *

Outdoor Truths Ministry is beating the odds.

Outdoor Truths Ministry exists to Aim Outdoorsmen Toward Christ. This is accomplished in six ways.

  1. By developing resources for outdoorsmen and outdoor ministries.
  2. By guiding churches toward effective, evangelistic events that reach outdoorsmen.
  3. By leading men’s conferences, geared to strengthen the role of men in the church.
  4. By presenting the gospel to unsaved outdoorsmen through targeted events.
  5. By writing a weekly article for newspapers and magazines geared to outdoorsmen.
  6. By providing small-group spiritual growth opportunities. (Circle Events)

Talk to Gary about speaking at your next wild game dinner.

Outdoor Truths Ministry
P.O. Box 840   
Harrogate, TN. 37752

*Transforming Children into Spiritual Champions, George Barna, Regal Books 2003, pg34