Men’s Hunting/Shooting Outings

Group of four (4)

Jesus spent most of his time with only 12 people. Those 12 changed the world. While Wild Game Dinners are great for evangelism, they do not work for discipleship. It takes more time with fewer people. These outings are meant to disciple men around the places and activities they love. These events are designed to be able to speak to men while they are most comfortable. It’s there, men learn the best. Gary will speak to these men from his unique perspective about growing in their faith.  This event can be hosted by a concerned individual who wants to invite some friends, or by a church that wants to make it part of their ongoing men’s discipleship program.

Here is a great example of what an outing can look like from a recent Outdoor Truths event.


First of all, here are some essential needs.
  1. A host. This person is someone willing to be the spokesperson, and organize the event from finding a place to have it, rounding up the groceries, and overseeing the day… including the meals. This person doesn’t have to do it all but is responsible for getting the right people to do it.
  2. A ranch, farm, or other location. During an event, men can skeet shoot, target shoot, pond fish, or do small or large game hunting. Or a combination of these.
  3. Maximum size for this type of event is about 10-12 people – according the size of the venue.
Here’s how the weekend might look.


Arrival at location: Friday @ 2:00 – 4:00 PM. We want to arrive early enough to be able to get unpacked, prepare for first scheduled event, eat dinner, and have first session.


The morning will consist of second scheduled event, breakfast, and session two. Break for lunch then some free time to wander around or do unscheduled activities. Basically, hang out.

That afternoon, scheduled event, dinner and another session is optional. Many times, the men want to just hang out around a fire pit and ask questions or just get to know one another.


The morning will consist of an early and optional scheduled event, breakfast, and last session. Maybe a mid-morning brunch, and then time to clean up, pack up, and leave by noon.

What men need to bring.

Each venue will require its own needs. Outdoor Truths will provide lots of food and drinks. Adult beverages will be up to the host and or host church. No judging here.

Cost per person: $450.00. This includes lodging, meals, and an entry in our gun giveaway.